Memorial United Methodist Church
Sunday, March 09, 2025
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.





2024 GriefShare

GriefShare will meet on Thursday evenings from 6:30 - 8:00 PM.
We will meet September 12 through December 12.
Sharing will be held in the Pearce Room. 
GriefShare is the #1 grief recovery program in the world. We hope you'll join us for this Christ-centered program which helps people apply biblical principles as they deal with the emotions and life stresses following the death of a loved one.


2024 Prayer Group



Next: August 6 and 20

Prayer Group meets every other Tuesday in the Chapel at 10:30 AM.
Please see the Calendar for dates. All are welcome to attend.
  • To receive the Thursday "Prayers and More" email, please email

  • To submit a prayer request please email
Prayer Leader: Afton Cherry


2024 Sunday School


New Friends

We are an adult group who shares discussion of various books of the Bible with coffee and a hug. Coffee is provided. Please feel comfortable to bring your own cup or mug. New Friends reads the Adult Bible Studies curriculum of the current year and season.
Class meets 10:00 - 10:45 a.m. in Room 308 (Moore).
Class Leader: Jonathan Ader



Moved Locations: Faith, Hope and Love 


We are an adult group, also known as Afton's Guinea Pigs, who share conversation about the scriptures with coffee, SNACKS and love. Coffee is provided and Afton usually tries out a new recipe on us! Please feel comfortable to bring your own cup or mug, we have ceramic mugs on site too. We all use our own travel cups or reusable mugs in our kitchenette. Faith, Hope and Love reads the Adult Bible Studies curriculum of the current year and season.


Class meets 9:30-10:30 a.m. in Room 403 in the Gym (located at the back of our building by the soccer fields).

Class Leader: Alberta Shelton (backup Class Leader: Cliff Masters)



Moved Locations:Youth 

Class meets at 9:45 a.m. in the Youth Room in the Gym.
The Gym is located at the back of our building by the soccer fields.
See Youth Ministry for more information, including other youth events during the week.
Class Leaders: Kendall Smith


Moved Locations: Kids

Class meets at 9:30 a.m. in Room 401 in the Gym.
The Gym is located at the back of our building by the soccer fields.
Parents are welcome to participate with their kids.
Jason Peterson teaches Kids about Romans during the time of Jesus. Kids sample food similar to what would have been served back then and examine real Roman artifacts like coins and rings.
Class Leaders: Gloria McPhail, Betty Sanders, Jason Peterson, Kathleen Beuttenmueller and Connie Tatum.
For more information on our Education Ministry please contact:
Rev. Robyn Bishop -

2024 Lectio Divina


Lectio Divina will be led by Pastor Robyn and will meet Wednesdays in September 2024.
In Western ChristianityLectio Divina (Latin for "Divine Reading") is a traditional monastic practice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayer intended to promote communion with God and to increase the knowledge of God's word. In the view of one commentator, it does not treat Scripture as texts to be studied, but as the living word. (Wikipedia)
We'll meet in the Chapel from 12 - 1:00 the Wednesdays in September.
To register or for questions, contact Pastor Robyn, 


2024 Women's Ministry



Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 18th

10:30 AM In the Parlor since we'll have a meal.
Salad Luncheon: Bring Salads, Sandwiches, Fruit to Share
Featured Talk: Fellowship of the Table by Alberta Shelton
We meet the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10:30am in Pearce. 
If you ring the doorbell under the portico we'll welcome you in.



United Women in Faith (UWF)

We gather to grow in faith, to support one another in our journey and to raise support for various missions and ministries.
"We are women like you, a powerful, fearless force driven by God's love and united in sisterhood. With a focus on women, children and youth we act for justice and transform communities. Join us, because love in action can change the world."
“Women are 58 percent of The United Methodist Church.
How different would our Church be if we were also 58 percent of General Conference?”
---UWF program advisory group member Karen McElfish

Calendar of Events


UWF at Memorial Ministries

Throughout the year we collect donations for the following ministries:

  • Wesley School daycare (a ministry of Memorial): healthy snacks and teacher Wish List items
  • Harris Elementary (across the street): underwear & sports bras
  • Manna bags for the unhoused 
  • Gift bags for the homebound
  • Pancake Breakfast to raise funds for UWF Mission work
  • Fellowship of the Least Coin with Church Women United

2024 UWF Officers


President: Connie Tatom

Vice President: Alberta Shelton

Treasurer: Patty Marcum

Secretary: Taylor Youngblood

Spiritual Growth: Linda Eaker

Pancake Breakfast: NEXT October 13th 2024
Pancake Breakfast is hosted October - May and raises funds for UWF Mission Work. We serve pancakes, including gluten free (GF) ones, sausage, fresh fruit, orange juice and of course coffee!
Connie and Afton are our breakfast chefs.


2024 BridgeBuilders



 Supporting and caring for those who are homebound or in desire of connection through visits, cards, phone calls, flowers, and more.

BridgeBuilders Leader: Billie Nixon

Memorial United Methodist Church, a member of the Rio Texas Annual Conference, is committed to the well-being of every person entrusted to its care. Therefore, we will strive to create a safe place for all of God's children. Safe Gatherings is an online abuse prevention program that screens and educates staff and volunteers to help prevent abuse of children, youth, and vulnerable adults in group settings. We have been and continue to be a Safe Gatherings location.