We encourage you to call or email the staff member you would like to meet with to set an appointment or a window of time to come in. Email and voicemail are checked remotely. STAFF![]() ![]() Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Director of Music: Dr. Daniel Swayze - swayzepiano@gmail.com Office hours vary. Administrative Assistant: Kc Nixon - secretary@memorialumcaustin.com 512.452.5796, press 2 for directory. Office Hours: Monday & Thursday, 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Day & Time may vary.) 512-452-5796, press 2 for directory. See Youth Ministry for more information.
Financial Coordinator: Jana Alexander - finance@memorialumcaustin.com 512.452.5796, press 2 for directory. Office Hours: Varies.
Wesley School: Executive Director Email: director@growingatwesley.org
Phone: 512.467.9740 See https://www.growingatwesley.org/ for more information. God gives us different gifts, passions, and skills. We are grateful for the many who volunteer their time and energy to serve in this community. For more information contact our leaders: Lay Leader: Kendall Smith Lay Delegate: Kathleen Beuttenmueller Lay Delegate Alternate: Linda Eaker Lay Servant: Alberta Shelton and Connie Tatom Staff Parish Relations Committee: Kendall Smith and Susan Froebel Church Council: Mark Corry, Chair Nominations Committee: Rev. Dr. Robyn Bishop Board of Trustees: Chuck Garner, Chair Communications & Social Media: Taylor Youngblood (she/her) Financial Secretary: Kerry McFarland Holiday Hours:We will close our offices according to the Austin Independent School District (AISD) holiday schedule, and if AISD cancels school for inclement weather.