Memorial United Methodist Church
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.

Womens Ministry



Next Meeting: Wednesday, Sept. 18th 2024

10:30 AM In the Parlor since we'll have a meal.
Salad Luncheon: Bring Salads, Sandwiches, Fruit to Share
Featured Talk: Fellowship of the Table by Alberta Shelton
We meet the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10:30am in Pearce. 
If you ring the doorbell under the portico we'll welcome you in.



United Women in Faith (UWF)

We gather to grow in faith, to support one another in our journey and to raise support for various missions and ministries.
"We are women like you, a powerful, fearless force driven by God's love and united in sisterhood. With a focus on women, children and youth we act for justice and transform communities. Join us, because love in action can change the world."
“Women are 58 percent of The United Methodist Church.
How different would our Church be if we were also 58 percent of General Conference?”
---UWF program advisory group member Karen McElfish

Calendar of Events


Making Manna bags for the unhoused at our March 2024 meeting.



Throughout the year we collect donations for the following ministries:

  • Wesley School daycare (a ministry of Memorial): healthy snacks and teacher Wish List items
  • Harris Elementary (across the street): underwear & sports bras
  • Manna bags for the unhoused 
  • Gift bags for the homebound
  • Pancake Breakfast to raise funds for UWF Mission work
  • Fellowship of the Least Coin with Church Women United

2024 UWF Officers


President: Connie Tatom

Vice President: Alberta Shelton

Treasurer: Patty Marcum

Secretary: Taylor Youngblood

Spiritual Growth: Linda Eaker

Pancake Breakfast
Pancake Breakfast is hosted October - May and raises funds for UWF Mission Work. We serve pancakes, including gluten free (GF) ones, sausage, fresh fruit, orange juice and of course coffee!
Connie and Afton are our breakfast chefs.



In August 2023 the United Women in Faith (for men too!) began overseeing the 150th Anniversary celebration of Memorial United Methodist Church. Here we have our special guests and future committee members.