Memorial United Methodist Church
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6100 Berkman Drive, Austin, TX 78723
Bus Route: CapMetro 10

Welcome! We hope you will join us in person or online at
11:00 a.m. each week.
We are creating safe space for healing and connection through Jesus Christ.
We aspire to live our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ with passion, generosity, and intentionality.
Online worship with closed captioning:
YouTube (it's new so working on cc):
First Sunday of Each Month
Communion: Giving and Receiving the Bread and the Cup
The United Methodist Church offers an Open Table for sharing Holy Communion - ALL who desire to seek a relationship with Jesus Christ are welcome! This congregation believes that it is God's invitation that draws us to the Table, not the pastor's or our own initiative.
We follow the pattern of Christ to give thanks, bless, and share the elements of bread and the cup as he told us to do in Mark 14:22-25 where Christ invites us to this table to experience his grace and his forgiveness.

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